Map of well and pump installations
Click the button below to see a Google Map showing our progress of installing Bartose Strong Pumps (BSPs) throughout the Matebele and Mulonga Plains of Western Zambia. This map is comprised of two layers that can be independently activated by scrolling the box on the left of the map and selecting the “2020 Survey of Villages” or “BSP Installations from October 2024 through January 2025”.
If you click on a Water Tap you will see a photo of the actual BSP in the village as indicated.
Red symbols are potential village pumps locations as found in the July 2020 survey.
Blue Water Taps are villages that now have BSPs.
Green Taps are schools that now have BSPs.
Yellow Taps are churches that now have BSPs.
Orange Taps are villages that now have BSPs, (location approximate, no photos yet).
Purple Taps are villages that now have BSPs (no photos yet).
Note: Please remember we try to be as accurate as possible but sometimes it gets a bit difficult to emerge from the field with a 100% complete data record..