Joe Meiman, President
Joe retired in 2019 after serving 30 years as a hydrologist with the US National Park Service. He has traveled to remote villages of the Matebele and Mulongu Plains to better understand water security and traditional Lozi culture.
Dr. Jonathan Levy, Treasurer
Dr. Levy is the Director of the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability and Associate Professor of Geology and Environmental Earth Science at Miami University. His research addresses how to improve our capacity to make reliable and practical predictions of contaminant fate and transport in groundwater systems with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the threats posed to groundwater resources and how to protect those resources. Jonathan has traveled to Zambia many times, usually leading a MU class on Environmental issues.
Scott Henrickson, P.E., PMP, Secretary
Scott is a professional engineer and project manager with the US National Park Service. Scott specializes in water, sewer, and facility planning and project execution at remote sites. Scott served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa in the mid-90’s and he enjoys volunteer house construction with recent builds in Guatemala, Paraguay, Bolivia, Myanmar, Jordan, and El Salvador.
Dr. Imasiku Nyambe, Zambian Director
Dr. Imasiku Anayawa Nyambe, a Fellow of the Zambian Academy of Sciences, is a Professor of geology and Coordinator/Founder of the University of Zambia’s Integrated Water Resources Management Centre. Dr. Nyambe is the Chairperson of the National (Zambia) Heritage Conservation Commission Board and member of the UNESCO’s Intergovermental Council on International Hydrological Programme as a Zambian representative.
Dr. Nyambe is Lozi and is a native of Kalenge Village, the site of Project Sheluka’s pilot installation.
John Simasiku, Foreman
John Simasiku is a Lozi-speaking native of Mongu, the capitol of Zambia’s Western Province. John was an important part of the the proof-of-concept installations in November 2019. John comes from a background in well drilling where he devolved an aptitude for mechanics and innovation. John proved his field skills as a member of the July 2020 Scouting Expedition. Project Sheluka is fortunate to have this hard-working young man part of the team.